احدث الاخباراخبار مصراقتصادالتوازن والأمن القوميالشرق الأوسطتكنولوجياثقافهرأيرئاسة جمهورية مصر العربيةرئاسة مجلس الوزراء المصريسياسةعلوم عسكرية
Egypt’s MoMP nearing TOT agreements with Thales Group?NOTE

The Egyptian Minister of State for Military Production Mohammad Salah El-Din met with representatives from Thales Group on 6/4/2024.
The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is said to be in talks with Thales Group for transfer of technology (TOT) and license production agreements.
The note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:
– The systems the MoMP is eyeing for TOT
– A system the MoMP is interested in procuring
– The establishment of a joint research and development (R&D) center
The note also highlights a memorandum of cooperation (MoC) that has been signed between the MoMP and Thales Group.